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With a power equivalent to several billion times that of Hiroshima, the explosion would have raised astronomical quantities of dust and debris, blocking the light of the Sun and generating a powerful greenhouse effect for thousands of years. This long "night", coupled with very strong volcanic activity, would have caused the collapse of a large part of the ecosystems.

What happened 66 million years ago? The death of the dinosaurs?Yes !

But how? Erupting volcanoes? An asteroid? Yes! In the heart.

From Mexico, to Chicxulub to be exact. A photograph of the impact even allows us to tell it to ourselves. But who can tell us what happened? Nobody. Nobody...

And what is a dinosaur? A whole imaginary then opens up... isn't it?

So we decided to give the floor to the dinosaurs, to the asteroid, to the first female paleontologist. And finally to the sapiens for whom we are telling this masquerade. 

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66 million years -creation 2023

66 million years ago the dinosaurs disappeared. At the origin of this extinction, the impact of an asteroid (whose diameter is estimated at 40 kilometers) which crashed in Mexico, and whose trace today forms the crater of Chicxulub.



Direction, writing and images: Le Kollectif Singulier

Actors: Ludovic Darras, Olivier Sellier and Mickael Troivaux

Lighting design: Illan Lacoudre and Gwen Krier 

Sound design: Karine Dumont and Simon Léopold

Choreography: Julia Berrocal

Plastic creation: Sarah Debove

Construction: Sylvain Barberot

Production: Le Kollectif Singulier


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Co-production of La Comédie de Picardie d'Amiens, support for the residence of La Maison du Théâtre d'Amiens, the Departmental Cultural Center of the Abbey of Saint Riquier and LaScierie d'Avignon, co-production with Live Arts Cultures and C32 Performing Artworkspace – Venice (It).Support for the creation of Amiens Métropole, the Departmental Council of the Somme, the Regional Council of Hauts-de-France, the French Institute and the Drac des Hauts de France.

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