66 million years old - creation January 2023
66 million years ago the dinosaurs disappeared. At the origin of this extinction, the impact of an asteroid (whose diameter is estimated at 40 kilometers) which crashed in Mexico, and whose trace today forms the crater of Chicxulub.
The Firsts:
The House of the Theater of Amiens(80)
January 19 and 20, 2023
The cauldron- student scene - Amiens (80)
February 8, 2023
The Mars Brothers - on tour
The Mars Brothers are three brothers. Tomas, Youri and Patrick, who dream of going to the planet Mars. Between archives, fictions and documentaries, they lead us into their imaginations, until we land on the planet Mars, 75 million kilometers from Earth. Slightly delayed.
Upcoming dates:
St André Cultural Space/ Abbeville (80)
February 3, 2023
Etouvie Social and Cultural Center/ Amiens (80)
February 10, 2023
The canopy / Lille (59)
May 4, 5 and 6, 2023
Le Kollectif Singulier
24 rue St-Leu
La Maison du Théâtre
80000 Amiens (France)
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